
Envion’s Healthcare IT practice stems from the company’s technological eminence: the company’s first project in this business domain was awarded to us as a highly dependable and skillful provider that boast­ed an immaculate delivery track record.

We found the exacting and impactful nature of Healthcare IT to be a great incentive for us to develop as a company, as well as a great chance to make a difference and help a huge number of people with something they needed the most. Those were the main reasons that prompted us to allocate significant resources, ac­quire the knowledge and experience we needed, and, eventually, make Healthcare IT a strong area of ex­pertise and part of our flagship service offering.

We have spent more than 6 years developing large-scale Heathcare projects, some of which make us proud to be part of something of nationwide significance in a critically important area. In addition to technologi­cally equipping well-established medical institutions, Envion’s Healthcare IT practice has become an inte­gral part of several remarkable startup success stories, thus enabling medical innovation reach an even greater number of people.